Advantages of transferring to BASEC

Contact the team today to discuss the advantages of transferring all of your CPR fire classification testing to BASEC, capitalise on reduced testing and fees now, based on a revalidation of your existing certifications.

What is the advantage of the license transfer, and can I access dual certification?

With the cooperation of your current issuing notified body, manufacturers are allowed to transfer their certificates after the review of all FPC, CoCP and testing documents. BASEC’s transfer assessment could comprise of expediated AVCP desktop reviews and testing of a representative cross section of product, to verify current test certificate findings correlate with BASEC’s test findings.

Manufacturers can benefit from significantly consolidated testing fees.

Going forward you will also benefit from dual certification through joint auditing/testing for both UKCA & CE marking.

Will CPR test certificates issued by my old notifed body become invalid after I transfer to BASEC?

AVCP System 1+ certificates transferred to BASEC for UKCA marking from your current issuing notified body will become invalidated for export to EU markets.

The European commission has issued guidance advising that all AVCP System 3 that is placed on the EU market after 1st January 2021 will need to have a valid classification report issued by an EU27 NB and not a UK, at point of placement, not point of testing, which is a change of position.

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