Satisfying both UKCA & CE marking

Your guide to dual certification. Read what you need to do to use combined UKCA and CE marking when you test with BASEC.

Will manufacturers supplying products to UK and EU be required to issue two Declarations of Performance (DoP) for the same product?

Prior to 31st December 2021 two separate DoPs will not be required. The transition window will remain open until 31st December 2021 during which DoPs marked with CE approval, issued in the English language, will be accepted into the GB market.

How will I mark the cables that are used both in UK and EU countries?

Cables imported to the UK for the purpose of exporting to EU countries will require two DoP’s clearly referenced on the cable drum. UKCA will be required to enter the UK market and CE approval will be required for the onward export to the EU. Dual marking on the cable is also allowed to denote UKCA and CE compliance.

If I require UKCA and CE marking will I need to complete two sets of testing with BASEC to comply?

From 1st January 2021, BASEC will allow one set of auditing/testing to satisfy marking obligations for both UKCA (AVCP System 1+ and AVCP System 3) and CE (AVCP System 1+) if already verified by BASEC. New certification after this date will require initial audits and product testing for UKCA and CE marking.

Why am I unable to transfer existing CPR testing post 1st January 2021 for compliance to UKCA marking?

The UK government has, as of January 2021, confirmed BASEC is allowed to continue transfer of CPR cable approvals from other third party notified bodies to UKCA. All the certificates that were transferred to BASEC before that date will automatically be updated to UKCA approved certificates.

CE to CE and CE to UKCA transfer via BASEC is allowed.

Where a UK notified body (which becomes a UK approved body) had carried out tasks or issued certification in relation to the Assessment and Verification of Performance (AVCP) for a product before 1st January 2021, then those tasks and/or that certification may be used to support affixing of the UK marking if the product is placed on the GB market after this date.

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