BASEC GROUP LIMITED (BASEC) provides its services in an open, independent and impartial manner to all existing and potential clients. All clients are treated in the same manner and are expected to achieve the same level of performance, both for their organisation and their products, in order to obtain and maintain Certification or obtain a Test Report.
BASEC provides independent oversight of its certification activities through BASEC's Audit Committee, which consists of representatives from a number of organisations with an interest in BASEC's activities. It approves certification schemes, reviews certification operations (including complaints) and deals with other related matters.
BASEC takes its Certification decisions solely on the basis of objective evidence and in an objective manner, and ensures that any potential or actual conflicts of interest are assessed and managed.
BASEC ensures that all Directors, Managers and other staff involved in Certification activities, including subcontracted bodies or persons, are competent and comply with the applicable provisions of the BASEC quality system or applicable accreditation standards and are not involved, directly or through their employer, in the design, implementation or maintenance of a management system or the design, manufacture, marketing, supply, purchase, installation, use or maintenance (except for any normal professional or private use) of any product for which BASEC provides conformity assessment services. They should also not provide consultancy services to, or represent, any party with an interest in the certified / tested products in such a way that impartiality could be compromised. Auditors recognise that impartiality is a principle of justice holding that decisions should be based on objective criteria, rather than on the basis of bias, prejudice, or preferring the benefit to one person over another for improper reasons.
BASEC ensures that the links with other parts of the organisation are clearly defined and both certification and testing services run completely independently from each other and any BASEC subsidiary or group companies. Any identified issues are managed by the Business Director to avoid conflicts of interest. Additionally, BASEC’s Business Director is assessed by the Audit Committee for the specific role.
Users of BASEC approved cable and clients of BASEC certificated organisations may rely on this impartiality and objectivity in their own procurement decisions.
End users, specifiers, clients and other interested parties may contact the BASEC Audit Committee through the BASEC Head Office.
Below you will find downloadable PDF's explaining the processes BASEC use.