This specification is based on the requirements of ISO 9001, with
additional specific requirements for cable, and for the BASEC marking
scheme. Certification to ISO 9001 is offered at the same time. Only
manufacturers of cable and related products are eligible to hold PCR
certification. Once PCR certification is held, and specified type
testing of products is complete, a License to use the BASEC Mark can be
issued. The route to BASEC PCR certification is set out in the PDF
document Gaining & Maintaining the BASEC Mark, Step by Step Guide BSF426. It involves a two-stage initial assessment process, regular
surveillance audits combined with sample selection, and three-year
validity before recertification. BASEC is able to audit integrated or
stand alone management systems, if certification of ISO 9001 and/or ISO
14001 and/or ISO 45001 is held. BASEC requires clients to upgrade
their certifications to the latest edition of the BASEC PCR in line with
BASEC's requirements and published timescales.
Factory Production Control Certification for the Construction
Products Regulation (CPR)
BASEC offers certification of manufacturers' factory production control
systems for the purposes of Construction Products Regulation assessment
activities. If clients already hold BASEC PCR certification or ISO 9001
certification the audit processes may be combined, saving cost. The
route to BASEC certification of FPC is set out in the PDF document. It
can involve a two-stage initial assessment process, twice-yearly or more
frequent surveillance audits, and three-year validity before
recertification. BASEC requires clients to upgrade their certifications
to the latest FPC requirements in line with CPR requirements and